With expenses and rates rising everywhere we look, it’s no wonder people are searching for creative ways to save some cash. Xcel energy is offering a great way to reduce your energy expense without much change to your daily life. By using their Time of Use pricing model you can reduce your bill just by adjusting when you consume energy. Follow the off-peak schedule to put some money back in your pocket!
Become Familiar With The Time of Use Schedule
A good rule of thumb is to shift the usage of larger appliances to off-peak hours, from 7pm to 1pm. The highest rates are charged from 3pm-7pm on weekdays, so it’s best to avoid those times if at all possible.
Additionally, adjusting the usage to the weekends can also help. Those days are billed at the off-peak rates. Completing chores like laundry and meal prepping on the weekends can help make the most of the off-peak billing times.
To find out if you are eligible for Time of Use rates and to learn more about the program click here. For more expense saving and home ownership tips, follow the House Addicts Team on Facebook.